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Does anyone know why I am routinely getting kicked out as “session expired” after approx. an hour when I am in the middle of working. I have been renaming and captioning large image banks and it routinely happens when I am halfway through typing a sentence. It’s getting annoying!

Is this because I am using a starter edition at the moment - I am intending to upgrade when I hit 5GB but don’t want to see this as an issue constantly when I want to work for more than an hour at a time.


Hi there,

That is a new one to us I’m afraid, it sounds like you are in still in the system updating metadata and not letting the session idle at all. Just to be clear are you updating titles/descriptions when you get kicked out?

If so could you recreate this for me and let me have the rough date/time that you get the error please, then I can look through the logging on our side.




Hi Steve,

Thanks for the reply, and it is useful to know that this issue is not a common one. It occurs whilst working on anything, but usually updating titles and descriptions. I have been unable to replicate the fault whilst working at home and have had it happen only when working on staff PCs in the Library and Archive. I have concluded that it is therefore connected with short network drop-outs which seem to occur in the building from time to time and is therefore probably not connected to your software or portal (thankfully!)



I have also had this happen whilst in the middle of editing titles and metadata. I get timed out every 20 minutes or so and lose my work. 

I’m late to the party, but I am also experiencing this.  Is there any way to troubleshoot this?  Thanks!

You can look at the browser dev console (F12 by default in most browsers) and look for the request where you first get a 401 response. Also, while you’re logged in, you can check the cookies - your session cookie should get refreshed by certain actions when you’re using the system.

Hi All - our engineering team are looking into this. We hope to provide an update soon.

I’m also having this issue, thanks!

Hi, are there any updates to this? I can’t upload anything without getting booted first. This is pretty frustrating.

Hi, are there any updates to this? I can’t upload anything without getting booted first. This is pretty frustrating.


Could you let us know what browser you are using & how long it typically takes for you to be logged out? 


I use Google Chrome, but I've also used Edge and it's happened in both browsers. It only happens when I’m uploading assets, and it can happen anywhere from after 1 minute to after 15 minutes of beginning the upload.

I use Google Chrome, but I've also used Edge and it's happened in both browsers. It only happens when I’m uploading assets, and it can happen anywhere from after 1 minute to after 15 minutes of beginning the upload.

Do you happen to have multiple windows of Preservica open at the same time?

No, just one window at a time.

No, just one window at a time.

Okay thank you for that info. We are looking into it now and will get back to you as soon as possible. Apologies - I know that this is a major inconvenience and we will work to resolve it quickly. 


This also happens to our users during ‘active’ sessions. I’ve been booted out whilst actively editing metadata and several others on my team have reported the same. The login screen will literally just suddenly pop up, replacing whatever page you were working on. We’re primarily Edge users but we’ve got our Chrome folk, too. 



Also, isn’t even loading for me. I’m using Chrome but I’ve tried in Edge too.

Also, one more thing as I’ve just been booted out 🤣; once you log back in I’m returned to the home page rather than the page I was working on. Frustrating especially when you’re digging in through search results and have to reconstruct the search. 


I’ll leave my dev console on to see if I can capture anything helpful. 

Hello everyone,


Firstly sorry for the inconvenience being caused by this behaviour you are experiencing, my team have been assessing a couple of different routes to solve this problem, and we hope to have a solution in place within the product as soon as possible.


Has your team figured out a solution to this? 

I was able to complete when one of many bulk uploads today. But when I started the second bulk upload the system time-out and asked me to re-login. The first time this happened it was during the upload of the files phase. So I re-logged in and started again. The second time I made it through the upload files stage. It had checked for viruses and was on the checking file type portion of the second phase, when it timed-out. 

I was using Chrome.

Based on previous comments in a separate post, I don’t think the amount I was uploading (approximately 325 PDFs) was too large. But perhaps it was.

Is there a work-around? Or a guide for what is “too much” or “too large” for a bulk upload?


I’m also having this issue. I keep getting booted out in the middle of moving a large number of files from the holding area to PUT. I’ve tried setting up an auto-refresh script in a separate Preservica tag so I stay “active,” but it’s not doing the trick. The session time really needs to be longer, indefinite if possible.

Having the same problem as @philsalv. Every time I try to move anything larger than a few items from the holding area I get logged off after a few minutes.

Having the same problem as @philsalv. Every time I try to move anything larger than a few items from the holding area I get logged off after a few minutes.

My workaround to this problem has been to upload everything in the OPEX bucket instead, without OPEX metadata/structure. You get a little less control than you do in the PUT interface, but it’s good for just getting a large number of large files into Preservica.

Bear with me, I’m quite new to using Preservica. What exactly do you mean by uploading everything to the OPEX bucket?
