
Receiving “Ingest aborted” messages after browser upload of folder

  • 21 January 2024
  • 1 reply


I am a brand new Starter Plus user and this is my first community post. 

After having uploaded 5 other folders without any issues, my attempts at two new folders were both met with “Ingest Aborted” messages. The folder contains only .TIFF files. It would be much nicer if there was more information provided as to “why” the Ingest failed. 

I am using the Chrome browser on my Mac.

Any suggestions before I try calling a live support person (do they exist, or is support only with email?)

Thank you.

John in Seattle


1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi John, 

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with ingesting. We support up to 50GB per ingest, so unless the files were larger than that, we should bring this to the support team to start a ticket for you.

We don’t have a phone line for support, but I’d encourage you to reach out via email to with this issue. Please be sure to include the information you’ve given here, and it may be helpful to attach the files you’re attempting to ingest if possible. 


