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I’m new to Starter and have uploaded a collection of digitised images. I can’t see anywhere on the metadata for individual files that it has preserved the original creation date/creator. (Only the ingest and subsequent changes’ dates are listed.) Obviously this is less important for digitised copies of originals but this original creation metadata is very important with born-digital items. Is this metadata stored somewhere I am missing? Thanks.

Preservica stores the creation date and last modified date for an asset, presumably in their native XIP metadata format. In the new generation interface it can be seen by clicking on the Advanced Information, which are accessible under the Preservation History of a particular asset (single file). A related post is here: 


Dear Pawel,


Thanks for this. Will this apply in Starter (in terms of the original creation date being retained and visible?) I have been told be one of the Product team that this is only automatically retained in the highest level of subscription. I’m new to Preservica, so don’t know too much re the new generation as opposed to what edition I have from December 2024, sadly

