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Preservica Starter Video doesn't show (but I can hear)

Hi, I’m using Preservica Starter and have loaded a number of videos into my workspace. When looking at them via the portal, there are two that don’t load correctly. The video window appears then disappears. The play/progress bar shows with just white above it. I can play the video and hear the audio, but instead of the video showing, only a white screen where the play window should show. 

My videos are all MP4 and all my other videos play just fine, only two don’t. I’ve tried re-uploading them and they still don’t work right. I’ve looked with different web browsers and different computers to no avail. The original video plays just fine on various computers.

Is there a solution to this problem? 

3 replies

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And I also have another related issue with MP4’s I’ve ingested into my Preservica Starter Edition. Some videos show but have no audio, even though the MP4 plays on any of my devices (several different Windows PCs, iPhone, Macbook) with no problem - video and audio. This is not the case with all videos I’ve uploaded, only the most recent batch I’ve uploaded in the last few days. I’m still well under my filespace limitation, and there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to which videos play audio and which don’t. 

Any solutions or ideas please?

Userlevel 5
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This has been addressed through a support ticket but to give some background, sometimes mp4 files (or any AV files) can have idiosyncrasies to them that give our rendering software difficulties. This can be things inherent in the original source file or caused by saving, exporting or migrating through 3rd party apps.

On many occasions these playback issues can be resolved by Preservica support so please contact us if you are having these problems.


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Thanks Steve! Gary is helping me get the videos all squared away. You guys are awesome!!!
