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Is there a limit to the number of files that can be uploaded in a folder

  • 22 February 2022
  • 4 replies

I’m trying to upload a folder containing about 1500 (mostly) jpg files in various subfolders - total size approx 650mb - in the ‘upload a folder with metadata option’ but it fails.

Unfortunately it doesn’t say why, just that I should try again. I tried again and it fails again.
I tried a folder with only a few files in and it worked OK
I have over 5GB left in my allowance.
Is there a limit to the number of files that can be included in a bulk upload?

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hello Jeff,

Does the folder you are ingesting contain a metadata file in csv format? If not then you can use the Add>Upload a folder option or simply drag and drop the folder structure into the drag and drop area. 

If this doesn’t work you could try uploading in smaller chunks, i.e. 2x ~750 files.

Let us know if this resolves the problem or not.




Yes, it contains the metadata file in csv format. It doesn’t get as far as asking me for the file, it failed before during the browser upload stage
The add> upload a folder does work but with that many files I don’t want to then have to add the meta data by hand.

Is there a way I can bulk import the metadata after the files have been uploaded?

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hello Jeff,

Thanks for the reply, it does sound like it could be due to the large number of files in the overall package that may be causing the problem. I’ll message you privately to look at how we can investigate this further.




Thank you to Paul - we have found a workaround for me. There is no limit to the number of files.

It seems that my Firefox browser was timing out at about 20 minutes. For Paul it worked ok in Firefox

It worked in Chrome - about an hour to upload and preserve 1500+ jpg files with associated CSV files.

I now need to find out what’s wrong with my Firefox browser...
