
Cannot make the top level folder in my hierarchy public

  • 30 January 2024
  • 1 reply


I am trying to get items to appear in the portal view. And I understand that I need to make sure all levels are public, from the item to the folder structure it is nested in. I go to the folder level, right click on the folder title, and scroll down and choose public (it is currently set to private) and then a box containing a large red dot and a message flashes on the screen and then disappears before I can read it or engage with the content and then when I right click the folder name again, I can see that access is still coded as “private”. What the heck is going on?

1 reply

Badge +1

I have also noticed this bug. It seems that this occurs when I have already published all of the files inside a folder before trying to make the folder itself public. In other words, one can avoid this by just making the folder public prior to making the inner files public. I have not confirmed this, but I suspect this is a protective measure in the software to prevent one from publishing a folder when there is mixed (private and public files) within the folder. Best!
