
Bulk metadata upload stuck in loop

  • 25 August 2023
  • 4 replies


I’m attempting to upload a folder with a metadata csv file. When I add the folder, the process works until the last step. So, it uploads the files, recognizes the metadata csv and indicates “action required”, I select comma delimited, click the “complete ingest” button, and but it just takes me back to the “action required” step. I click again and it does the same thing. There are no error messages.

4 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Could it be that your file is too large? I have had that problem when I have too many items that exceed whatever the limit is for ingesting items.


Thanks Joan. It’s actually a small folder I made for testing, and it uploads without metadata fine. Experimenting some more, I’ve found it works if I ingest to a pre-existing folder, but that creates nested folders I don’t necessarily want, and the guide and video don’t indicate this is necessary. Is it just an issue with the documentation?

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Hmmm. Don’t know. I’d ask Steve Crawford, the Preservica tech guru about that. There must be a little glitch somewhere, but I have no idea why/what. I do know that I had a lot of problems at first figuring out exactly how to do every step exactly correctly before I had a successful ingest. Once I had it down, things went smoothly.

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Hi everybody, this is a bug that we are actively looking at. But if you encounter this problem then just check whether you are trying to upload into your top level/root folder. If that is the case then just try the upload into a sub-folder and then move the content to your preferred location once the upload is complete.
