
Meet the Team - Laura Cook

  • 2 December 2021
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Meet the Team - Laura Cook
  • Anonymous
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Name: Laura Cook 


I've been with Preservica for… 3 months 


The thing I like most about my job is… As a Product Owner, you spend a great deal of time on discovery and planning, so seeing all of these details come to life is really satisfying. 


If I could meet any historical figure it would be… Something I’d enjoy would be an afternoon cut outs workshop with Matisse. I’d bring my daughter and her crayons along, and see if he wanted to swap collages at the end.  


When I'm not working, I like to... Spend time with my daughter. She’s one and a half, so this mostly involves slides, painting, hobby horses, and cake. Luckily, we have a lot in common :) 


Something that would surprise people about me… I can make relatively good clothes. 

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