How to provide easy online access to grantee and grantor indexes

  • 25 January 2022
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How to provide easy online access to grantee and grantor indexes
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Britni Gorman, Deputy Archivist at the City of Providence, has been using Starter since August 2021. Since then, she has been able to save time and improve the experience for title researchers when it comes to responding to common requests for grantor and grantee index records.


In this video she shows us how she is leveraging Starter to help title researchers work more efficiently with online self-service. Researchers can now navigate and find the entries they need in digital copies of indexes which stretch back as far as 1637. In turn this has reduced the need for information requests to be managed directly by the archives office. Not only are these important public records protected and preserved in Starter but they are also now accessible online.


Watch this short video to see how Britni is using Starter.


Why not try it for yourself? Download this simple guide to help you get started.



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