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NAGARA in July?

  • 3 November 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi everyone-

I was wondering if Preservica had any plans to attend the NAGARA conference in July 2023?  I think I’m going to go this year!



4 replies

Hi Ashley! Of course we’ll be there. In fact, we may even have a few surprises to announce!

I had the pleasure of attending my first NAGARA conference this past July in Salt Lake City, UT. It was such a great learning experience. I’m not sure who will be attending from our team this year, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.

Have you attended their conference before? What are you looking to get out of attending? We’re working on our educational sessions now. 


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Hi Sean-

Thanks so much for your response!  I’m so disappointed, though - I just found out that my town’s budget won’t allow me to attend.  Big bummer because I was looking forward to it!

But to answer your question - I love your educational classes.  Even more, I love the networking part of Preservica events, where I can meet other professionals who are using the repository, too.  It’s especially good to talk about workflows in different institutions.

Thanks so much for getting in touch.  Hope to see you at another event closer to New England-


Ashley Large, Archivist

Town of Bedford, MA, USA

Hi Ashley -

Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that. Not sure if NAGARA is planning a virtual component or not for this year’s conference. But, maybe there will be some sort of opportunity for online learning.

This is great feedback on the sessions though, and something I’ll share with the team.

Sounds great, I’m sure we will - I’m in MA too. 😀


Userlevel 3
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Hi @alarge - are you a member of the New England Archivists? NEA has a Preservica group and this might be a good avenue to get a local event together for fellow Preservica users. I’m in MA as well and would be happy to support in any way I can. 
